Acupuncture Facelift
Acupuncture Facelift will make you look and feel younger. Only recently has this method reached the general public. The rich and famous are using acupuncture facelift as an anti-aging protocol.
Acupuncture Facelift has been around for thousands of years when the royal families in China used acupressure even before acupuncture was established. They would receive regular facial massages on certain acupuncture points. Later, when acupuncture needles were used on these acupressure points, the results were increased dramatically. According to Chinese medicine, it improves circulation of Qi (energy) and blood and stimulates the body’s natural anti-aging power.

Before Procedure

After Procedure
- Do you want to slow down the signs of aging?
Acupuncture Facelift, a non-surgical, relatively pain-free, anti-aging procedure, effectively reduces the signs of aging. It is the perfect solution for anyone concerned about surgery, scaring or incisions.Treatments improve muscle tone and dermal contraction, increase collagen production, tighten pores, and increase local circulation of blood and lymph around the face. It can be used to help to decrease puffy or droopy eyelids, inflammation, & to reduce a double chin & sagging jowls.
Research shows. . .
The 1996 International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture revealed the results of an eight-year study on facial acupuncture. Conducted on 300 cases having just one course of treatment, 90% saw a marked improvement in elasticity, a reduction of fine lines and a smoother complexion.
- Why have an Acupuncture Facelift?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for 3000-4000 years. Yin and Yang1 are two polar opposites in your body that cannot exist without each other. When the energy in these pathways becomes blocked, empty or overflows, our internal organs are directly affected, causing us to become ill and age prematurely.
“At 35 years, the stomach and large intestine pathways that govern the major facial muscles begin to deplete, the muscles begin to atrophy, facial wrinkles appear, and hair begins to thin”
Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine (the Neijing Suwen)
- How does the Acupuncture facelift work?
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture triggers the body’s own mechanisms to repair and reconstruct the collagen fibers, and strengthen and rehydrate the subcutaneous muscle. As the treatment affects the energy balance of the whole body, so it’s a treatment for both inside and out. During a session, very fine, sterile needles are inserted into particular acupuncture points on the face which, manipulates the body’s Qi (energy), boosts circulation, helps the lymphatic system drain away toxins and stimulates the production of new collagen. Needles are placed strategically to tighten sagging muscles at the jaw, neck, and smile lines.
Additional ordinary acupuncture needles may be placed in the hands and feet to balance the effect on the head. With the pressure points stimulating the body’s healing energies and increasing blood flow, the skin automatically tightens and becomes smoother in appearance. Fine lines may be entirely erased, deeper lines reduced, and bags around the neck and eyes firmed.
Other positive effects of the treatment include stress reduction, removal of sinus congestion, and a reduction in acne. The needles placed in your hands and feet may also help with other physical ailments, and you should discuss such disorders with your acupuncturist prior to treatment.
- What should I expect during my treatment for an Acupuncture Facelift?
First, we do a complete intake on medical information. With this type of treatment there may be more questions asked than by your traditional western doctor. We ask ten questions about your lifestyle, digestion, sleep and more. Plan to wear loose, comfortable-fitting clothing allowing access to acupuncture points.
Next, we perform both a physical and mental balancing treatment on the back known as the Back-shu2 treatment.
Afterward, we turn you to a position on your spine, and we insert approximately 25 fine hair-thin needles into specific points on the face. The needles gently stimulate and activate the energy flow along the pathways to generate and circulate blood and restore collagen. With the pressure points stimulating the body’s healing energies and increasing blood flow, the skin automatically tightens and becomes smoother in appearance. Fine lines may be entirely erased, deeper lines reduced, and bags around the neck and eyes firmed. This has the effect of nourishing, hydrating, toning and diminishing the appearance of wrinkles. Additional needles may be placed in your hands and feet to help with other physical ailments, depending on the discussion prior to your treatment.
Then, we add an E-stim machine to stimulate certain acupuncture points.
Next, we use a cupping modality on the face, by using a small plastic cup that helps promote blood and circulation to the face. We usually use additional tonifying points to enhance treatment and wellness. The result is a firmer, healthier and radiant complexion.
- How long will it take to see improvements?
A course of Acupuncture Facelift treatment consists of 6 sessions; one each week, for 6 consecutive weeks. The duration of each session is 1.5˗2 hours. Since the therapeutic effects are cumulative, it is important that during the course of an Acupuncture Facelift treatment you do not miss any sessions.
Afterward, there would be 2 treatments, which are 2 weeks apart, for the first month. Following that, treatments would be once a month depending on the outcome and the patient’s needs.
1 Yin/Yang
Yin is cold, and Yang is hot. Yin characterizes the feminine or negative nature of things and yang stands for the masculine or positive side. If one is present without the other, our bodies either burn up or freeze to death. Energy circulates through invisible pathways in our body to keep us warm and strong. Each pathway is connected to an internal organ. When the energy in the pathways becomes blocked, empty or overflows, our internal organs are directly affected, causing us to become ill and age prematurely.
Blood is Yin and keeps our bodies lubricated, preventing us from getting too hot. It nourishes our skin and provides our body with nutrients to build collagen. As we age, it starts to wane, causing our skin to slacken and lose its glow.
Acupuncture has the ability to affect the flow of energy in pathways to benefit our whole body, so what is deficient is nourished, what is too cold is warmed, what is too hot is cooled, and what is stagnant is moved. It follows the principle that beauty radiates from the inside out. When our energy is flowing smoothly, our blood is abundant and our organs are strong, then beauty reveals itself externally.
2 Back-shu
The Back-shu points on the back are where Qi of the respective zangfu organs is infused. Zangfu organs (lungs, spleen, kidney, liver and heart, also called the five solid organs (yin), are at the core of immune activity. They are located on either side of the vertebral column, in close proximity to the spinal ganglia and their respective zangfu organs; hence the name Back-shu points. Each of the zangfu organs has a Back-shu point.